目前分類:Movie and TV/娛樂 (3)

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怎麼說呢? 雖然有101分鐘,又是十分慢,可是時間一下子就過去,很舒服地就看完了。故事不是很難明白。比起那些很多看了十五分鐘就開始想睡的奧斯卡大片比起來,這部慢慢又靜靜的電影好看得多了。

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Last night I watched "The Phantom of the Opera" with my friend. Not many people are interested in this movie. It is not easy to find a friend to watch this moive with me.

It is an amazing moive overall. The flow of story is smooth. When the story came to its conclusion, my friend and I did not feel that it has passed 2 and a half hours. However, it is an opera although it is shown in cinemas; music just goes on and on. Those in Hong Kong, who cannot enjoy music and read subtitle quickly, may not appreciate this moive.

The production of the moive fellowed very faithfully to the theatrical version. The directing is very good. Visual effect is grand. Anyway, it is still a moive. Computer graphics and other special effects were applied to spicy the moive. I think many people should be satisfied for what they paid.

In the cast, my most favorite artist in this movie is Minnie Driver who play Carlotta. She acted very well, and her voice is very presenting. I was really able to understand what kind of person Carlotta is by watching her performance. I think she did better job than Emmy Rossum. Maybe I have listened to the CD of original recording for too many times, I feel that many artists in moive did not sing as well as those on CD, but I don't mean they are not good.


The another moive I watched last night is "Jakob the Liar" starred by Robin Williams.

It is an interesting story. Jakob was a Jewish in Germany in World War II. He was prisoned in a small town with other Jewish. They were alive, but life in the town was very tough, and they would be sent to concentration camp and be executed. When time went by, more and more Jewish lost their hope and committed suicide.

One day, Jakob wanted to save a Jewish's life. He lied that he heard Russian army was coming to Germany on radio, so German was losing the war, they would be saved. The Jewish was very happy when he believed that he would have a future and let all Jewish in the town know Jakob's lie. Then, no one in the town committed suicide any more.

However, one day a man gave up his life to pass Jakob's lie to Jewish on a train to spread hope to other Jewish community. Jakob felt sorry for his lying. However, when he told the truth to an old Jewish in the town, the old man committed suicide at that night. Jakob was confused if he should tell the truth. When he found that his lie could gave hope to others, he kept on lying, even when finally the lie costed his life.

He learned in German army's office that the Russian was really coming. He was killed by a general because he refused to tell his Jewish folk that he was a liar. With hope, the Jewish community tolerated until the Russian came.

Is a liar good or bad? Many of us have learned it is bad since the childhood. Most of us also hate liars. We want people tell us the truth. So, if you are patient enough to read until this line, what do you thing about Jakob? or the moive?

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Yesterday, when I was thinking of Eastern European countries, a name "Cadfael" suddenly jumped to my mind.

No car-chasing, no explosion, no forensic evidence, but the detective Cadfael series attract viewers with the fascinating plots of stories, wonderful performances of actors and the revalation of medieval romance.

Sir Derek Jacobi (see the photo above), one of the greatest actor I have ever seen, starred as Brother Cadfael. Cadfael was a devoted monk in a abbey in a village of Shrewsbury, England in the 12th century. He ran a his own apothecary shop, cultivating the plants and herbs from which he makes medicines himself. With his knowledge on herbs and plants, the medicine man became a canny sleuth in the medieval English.

The tremendous realism is the most interesting part of the TV series. Every screen reveals a village and the society of England in the 12th century. When I watched the series, I felt that I am really learning a lot about that society.

I found the DVD sets of Cadfael yesterday night, but they are too expensive, even the second-hand sets.

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