
Although it was summer, but the temperature of Jiu Zhai Go Area was between 15-20 degree C. My mother and I did not turn on air-condition at night because we felt very comfortable at this room temperature.For people from Hong Kong, the temperature was similar as that of autumn in Hong Kong. However, the hills were green, and flowers're blooming angrily. When the bus left Cheng Du (成都) and climbed up to the highland, I saw a lot of beautiful flowers along the road, but I didn't have chance to get off the bus to take some photos.When I was in the valley, I still was not able to shoot flowers because people filled all trails in valley like fillings in an apple pie. I had no space to stand and had to keep moving forwards.At sunset, it started raining. People found places to hide or just got back to hotel as my team was waiting for lost members at a bus stop. I finally had time and space to shoot those sweeties.

All 3 photos From 九寨溝

By D70 w/AFD 50mm/1.8@F8.0

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