On Nov. 1, I have introduced a popular recipe of semi-congealed bean curd (To-Fu-Wha/Tofu-fa, 豆腐花) in Hong Kong on Asha's article -最近我喜歡. The recipe is called "黑白 (Black-White)" by my folks. It is a mixture of Tofu-fa with black sesame paste. You can enjoy the contrasties of black and white, hot and cool, as well as liquid and solid textures of paste and curd from the dessert.
My friend reported that he has tasted the dessert in Japan on his article "Shrimp wanton noodle @ "糖朝" in Tokyo". There are a photo of and his analysis on Black-White.
This is one of my favourite dessert. You can buy Tofu-fa and black sesame paste powder from most Chinese supermarkets. Add some water to powder, and stir the mixture well. Then, boil the mixture. Remember to stir the mixture when you are cooking it. When the black sesame paste is cooked, add some tofu-fa to a bowl and pour some paste on the top of tofu-fa. Now the dessert is done!
It is easy to make B-W, isn't it?
- Nov 06 Sat 2004 14:53
黑白 (Black-White)