
The following messages are replies from "besati" to respond to my technical problems related to scanning and printing.


English>Is a file created by Nikon D70 large enough to make a 12R print?

Chinese>各位對D70 放 12R 相有甚麼評價?


The resolution of the image on your monitor is 72 lpi (lines per inch) x 72 lpi. For normal printing, 300 lpi x 300 lpi will give excellent results. However, for common daily use, 200 lpi x 200 lpi is still OK if you are not critical.

For 8R prints (8" x 6"), using 1500x1200 jpg is equivalent to 187.5 lpi x 200 lpi which should be marginally acceptable. Therefore, for 12R prints (8" x 12"), using a 1600x2400 (3M pixels) source will give satisfactory results to common people.

However, if you wish to progress in serious photography, working in RAW and TIF format is a MUST.


English>When I scanned old photos with 1200dpi, the lines and edges in image was not smooth at all and look like saws. What is the max. dpi value I should use for scanning photos?

Chinese>我想問問,如果我用一張舊相去scan做檔案,我最大可以set個scanner的dpi值做幾大呢? 上次scan相,我set做1200dpi,看原圖出晒狗牙了。


English>The output picture quality for a scanner is determined by optical resolution, not the software resolution, so the resolution power of the lens in scanner is very important. That's why an Agfa 600dpi Scanner can deliver better scans than a HP or a Taiwanese scanner.

Before scanning, the size of print should be known, then is multiplied by 300lpi, finally the result is divided by the area/size of scanned object. The final result will be the dpi value to set on the scanner.

Chinese>Scanner 最重要是 optical resolution (光學解像度) 而不是 Software Resolution (軟件解像度),所以 Scanner 的鏡頭質素十分重要。如 Agfa 600dpi Scanner scan 相可以靚過 HP 或台灣牌子 1200dpi Scanner 絕不出奇。

Scan 相前要先決定打印的尺寸,再乘以300 lpi 得到scan圖的總解像度,然後除以原來相片的大小,便可得到 scanning 所需的解像度了。

舉例 scan 36mm x 24mm (1.5" x 1") 的菲林,打印 A3 (16" x 11") 紙。

總解像度 = 16x300 及 11x300 = 3300 x 4800 pixels

Scanning 解像度 = 4800/1.5 及 3300/1 = 3200 及 3300 dpi

所以在電腦 Twain Software 上選 3600 dpi。

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