
Tonight, I went to attent a voice-actor training course. My friend in church has a friend who took the course and felt the course very interesting. She told me that I will have chance to touch and use the real, professional equipments, to visit a recording studio, and to meet professional voice-actors. Therefore, I went to take the course at night.

It was the first lesson. The instructor spend almost one and a half hour on history only. I fell to sleep several times.

In the last half and hour of the lesson, we finally have chance to do our first test-drive recording. The instructor played a session of fighting movement in a Kung-fu moive in 60s. We need to add the voice for actors who were fighting. All we did were saying "HA", "Hei", "Ah", and etc when actors moved. Sound easy but actually very difficult. Students made a lot of jokes when they acted.

My turn came, and I acted as a lady fighter in the moive. When I looked at the TV screen, I couldn't catch up with the movement of actors, of course I was silent. The last movement of the fight is the lady kicked on a men's body and made him fried out to drop on a trolley. I waked up at the movement and cried loudly "HAAA!". The person sitting right next to me immediately yelled, "YOU SCARED ME!" Laughters explosed in the whole class. I laid my face on the bench and laugh to an extent that I was not able to straight my body.

Well, well, well. Happy test drive. XDDDD

    創作者 kenen 的頭像

    I Have A Life.

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