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原文寫於 Nov 20 Tue 2007 12:32












蒼く 優しく


あの日の夢を 今もずっと 追いかけ続けていたら

今頃 僕は 何処にいて 何をしていたんだろう?

ため息で錆びついたこの鍵で 今もまだ開くのかな?

信じたまま 脱ぎ捨てた 夢と一緒に 僕を待ってる あの日のロッカー

今よりずっと蒼く 優しく見えた空

何を忘れたんだろう? 何を覚えたんだろう? 何を見つけたんだろう?

答えのない問いに 白く滲んだ空

踏み出せなかったあの道は 今ここに続いていた

何度負けても 間違っても 夢は終わりじゃない

何度勝っても たった一度の 諦めに崩れてゆく

見上げるほど長い上り坂 今 僕の目の前に

引き返してしまえばまた 後悔だけが 僕を待ってる 下り坂

心の叫びなど 誰にも聴こえない

だから笑うんだよ 涙が出るんだよ だから輝くんだよ

自分らしさを探して 誰かの真似もしてみた

何かが違うんだよ 誰にも訊けないんだよ それでも探していたいんだ

今よりずっと蒼く 優しく見えた空

何を忘れたんだろう? 何を覚えたんだろう? 何を見つけたんだろう?

あの日よりずっと蒼く 強く信じた空

踏み出せなかった あの道は 今どこに・・

あの日の僕が ずっと待ってた 心の行き止まりで

少しだけ話を きいてくれるかい?

少しだけ 休んでも良いかい?




因為嘆息而生鏽的鑰匙 現在還能開啟嗎?



比起現在 看起來總是湛藍溫柔的天空

忘記了什麼 想起了什麼 找到了什麼

沒有回答的疑問 純白地滲透天空

未踏上的那一條路 現在在這裡繼續延伸著

無論失敗幾次 犯錯幾次 夢都不會因此結束

無論經過多久 只要一次的放棄 就會因此崩塌

比任何人都還要長的上坡 現在在我的眼前

若是不小心切換了路 又變成只有後悔等著我的下坡

心的喊叫 沒有人能聽見

所以笑了出來 眼淚流了出來 所以閃閃發光

雖然在尋找自己的同時 也模仿了其他人 還是不一樣的

沒有人能聽見 即便如此 還是去尋找吧!

比起現在 看起來總是湛藍溫柔的天空

忘記了什麼 想起了什麼 找到了什麼

比起那天 總是湛藍而令人堅信的天空

未踏上的那一條路 現在在何處

那天的我 一直在心中的死巷裡等著

能聽一下我想說的話嗎? 休息一下也沒關係吧?



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這部名叫Turn A 的高達,看動畫時很喜歡。線條簡煉優美,有粗獷的男性味,活像是個威猛的印第安武士,而且很有科幻感。可是當年這動畫製作時,各方面的設定跟人們心目中的高達有很大的差別,人們看不慣於是大加排斥,實在可惜。

TURN A因為不受歡迎,連帶模型也很少,很難找得到,當MG版的TA將會推出的消息傳出后就很高興,而且在剛到貨時立刻敗了一盒,可是買了以後才是悲傷的開始,因為自己從來砌模型的技術都很爛!





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In the last two weeks, I had two very upset experience.

On Sunday two weeks ago, that was a very sunny day. I was attracted by sunshine and decided to have lunch outdoor and met a group of old men playing music in a park. They played very good music, I swear, and they played quietly. They tried not to annoy anyone in the park. I was sitting less than 50m away from them to have my burger, but I almost couldn't hear what they played.

So I changed my seat to get closer to them. But still not clear enough. I got closer and closer to them, and finally just next to them. I borrowed their instrument and played music with them. That is a joy hour. However, only about an hour.

That is a public park. Someone phoned to a park manager to complain those old men, then a park officer showed up stopping the activity. This is what commonly happens in Hong Kong. People are not allowed to have any kind of creating or art activity on the public area. Otherwise, the police finally come up to expel you. At many tourist area photographers are not allow to use tripod. In parks or on streets, even you are a world announced artist, you still can't stop down to stretch or paint picture at a side of the road. I have never heard the same things happened in other city or country.

Actually, if the government want to keep the order, they just outline a regulation to let people follow, and citizens can still enjoy creation and performance in the public area. However, the government just SWAP it all, like the same way they handle the cases of bird-flu and non-smoking campaign in restaurants. NO ART ACTIVITY ON PUBLIC AREA THEN THEY DON'T NEED TO REGULATE PEOPLE. NO LIVING CHICKEN IN HONG KONG THEN THEY DON'T NEED TO REGULATE FARMS AND SHOPS. NO SMOKER IN RESTAURANTS THEN THEY DON'T NEED REGULATE SMOKERS AND RESTAURANTS. Then they can sit back and sleep and get paid.

The government is saying to spend huge amount of money to build an art center in West Kowloon in order to courage the development of art and cultural industry in Hong Kong. Everyone knows that is only a trick to mock the citizens to fill the Victoria Harbor to create land for housing business giants. Officers in Hong Kong government don't know what the art is and they don't care. When they want art, they buy a air-ticket to have vacation oversea. This is their understanding of art. Pathetic.

But I have a question. What the government officers is just swap all the activity required regulation to make no regulation necessary, then their job is as easy as sitting on a chair; my question is, they have got no job to perform, why do they still get our tax-payers' money to sit in the office?

Another story happened two days ago. When I finished taking photos of hawkers on the street, an old lady came to me. She asked me if I am a journalist, and begged my grace not to put their activities on newspaper.

I felt sweat in my eyes. There showed two folds of problems in Hong Kong government. Although Hong Kong shouldn't be a poor city, the welfare for old people is totally the third world's, and somewhat insulting to the olds! Many old people live miserably in Hong Kong. The government officers always say that there are loopholes in present welfare policies to be abused so they can't raise the amount of budget on elder welfare. However every time when someone cried out a welfare reform, they just go get deaf ears.

This is the main reason why I dropped the plan of receiving Herceptin because I worry about my mom's living after I pass away if I use up her savings.

Hawker activities in Hong Kong used to be very characteristic. It was one of burning factors of tourist industry in Hong Kong. Furthermore, it was the way that thousands and thousands of poor family made their living in the past. However, the government just swap them all. Of course, it is because they hate all regulation. You can cry, you can commit suicide, but you can't be a hawker. There is only one option of regulation plan about hawker business - NO PLAN IS NEEDED BECAUSE OF NO HAWKER.

The same question: They make their job not even exist, why keep their position with our money?

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One of my net friend in Shanghai need to receive surgery on his eye. Last year, although the medical bill is not affordable for his family, his parents still paid the bill to let him receive a surgery on one eye as he is their only son and all their hope. However, he still lost the eye-sight of that eye. Now he is facing to the risk of becoming totally bind, and he is only 21. I really don't know how to talk to him.

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I received a e-mail from my dear friend after I posted a post with several Black and White photos on July 27. We discussed about wet technique on Black and White film-processing.

At the end of his last email, he comes up a feeling that digital camera make all the hard way of his day easy to the young generation of these days. I am by half-and-half agree with his opinion.

Today a young folk tries to make his point on the wonderful focusing speed of USM function of Canon EF70-200/2.8 winning the heart of Journalist as the Journalist need that speed. He labeled me as "Human God" as I told him even manual focus can be fast enough to meet the Journalist demand and proved it with my confidence and successful experience on sports photopraphy. He argues that not many journalists now can do manual focus as I do.

Oh my God. Let's remember that there was no AF camera in the old time and journalists still need to take sport photos. Moreover, even there were AF SLR and USM lenses, but a lot of skilled photographers still prefer manual focus because the AF system had not yet mature and so not accurate during the film age. There were a few top professional able to capture jaguars in the past. What's the big deal to have a serious amateur to MF sports? I would say that journalists nowadays can't do MF well because they are just dependent on AF and never bother to practice MF skills. But are they world-class professionals whose boss can rely on to any challenging task? I wonder. A professional fails the task just because of accidentally-broken AF system, how reliable is he?

Although digital camera make photography sound easier, there are some aspects of this new era may worth thinking about.

How many pages is there in the official Nikon FM2 manual? very-simple-plus-a-lot-of-large-picture 49 pages. FM2 has been almost the top of the line of its age. how many pages for Nikon amateur's D70? Amen. I have never tried to read it. Of course not to D80, either. I also don't have much memory on reading manual of my first digital - Olympic 370UZ.

When I first time have my camera to take photos, I was a blank page to camera. By that time, camera was something only my dad and mom could touch. But I took a few minutes to read several pages of FM2 manual, I had already knew how to operate the camera and knew the basic concept of using different shutter speeds and apertures. The next thing to do was doing experiments with combinations of shutter speeds and apertures. A lot of time was spent on observing light and targets.

What's about newcomers on digital days? After a few days, I still hear new buyer of DSLR fighting on understanding all buttons, tens of options on menu, ISO, and so and so. A lot of technique and art theories we used to build it up gradually when we buy and use different films and gears. They now all "menuized" (menu + ize) and become a ocean of options on DSLR. Taking photos becomes fighting with menu. Even an experienced amateur like me still feel busy to take photos. Is that photography? Where is my effort put to?

After using FM2, FTN, F-100, D70, D80 and other Portable Digital Cameras, I found that it was F-100 make photo-taking the most relaxing among the above-mentioned cameras, but I still always border by the weight of SLR system.

What is photography? Observing light and target, then capture it?

I start loving my Contax G2 very much, and also start understanding why there are so many people like LOMO and Holga. Holga is a cheap 120 camera. Someday I may get one.

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