
杖頭木偶戲(Stick Puppet)The puppet was very beautiful! With two sticks and his left hand, the master control the movement of fingers, head and body of the puppet. The puppet then spinned a handkerchief on its finger, took another handkerchief from a pocket of its dress, danced, flipped its body, picked up flowers and so on. The puppet behaved just like a naughty young lady. What else could those puppets do?Change its face.When the two men preformed the skill of changing face. We have already thought that was exciting. Now the master was controlling the motion of the puppet with both his hands, but at the same time he preformed changing masks with the puppet like a real human. What a skill the master has!

This is the end of 蜀風雅韵 series. If you go to Cheng Du, will you pay 120RMB to watch this show?

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