For those in Hong Kong, the answer is 8.
No kidding. This is what I found in the latest issue of Time magazine yesterday. The air pollution in Hong Kong is so bad. Living in Hong Kong for one day, the amount of pollutant inhaled equals to that of smoking 8 cigarettes.
So what do I think?
I think we've got a good reason to have more BBQ in Hong Kong. Having BBQ for one time is equivalent of having 1 cigarette daily for 1 year. When we are having 8 cigarettes every day, we should get a couple more to enjoy our life.
Furthermore, it is quite a natural disaster for a country with 14 billion people to develop without regulations and respect to public interests.
如果你活在香港的話, 答案是8。
沒有開玩笑, 這是我昨晚在「時代」雜誌看到的。香港的空氣汚染程度,已到達大家只要在這裡住一天就吸了相等於8支香煙的汚染物。
- Jan 12 Wed 2005 14:49
How many cigarettes do you smoke daily?
- Jan 09 Sun 2005 10:57
記事 No.100 紀念
It is the 100th post on the blog! This blog may be good, may be bad. What's so ever, I have written 100 posts. I am a kind of person who always give up quickly, so it is great that I can keep doing one thing for this long.
Thank you all my friend like you for visiting this blog. Your visit gives me energy to keep posting on this blog. Thank you.
- Jan 08 Sat 2005 14:56
Phantom and Jakob
Last night I watched "The Phantom of the Opera" with my friend. Not many people are interested in this movie. It is not easy to find a friend to watch this moive with me.
It is an amazing moive overall. The flow of story is smooth. When the story came to its conclusion, my friend and I did not feel that it has passed 2 and a half hours. However, it is an opera although it is shown in cinemas; music just goes on and on. Those in Hong Kong, who cannot enjoy music and read subtitle quickly, may not appreciate this moive.
The production of the moive fellowed very faithfully to the theatrical version. The directing is very good. Visual effect is grand. Anyway, it is still a moive. Computer graphics and other special effects were applied to spicy the moive. I think many people should be satisfied for what they paid.
In the cast, my most favorite artist in this movie is Minnie Driver who play Carlotta. She acted very well, and her voice is very presenting. I was really able to understand what kind of person Carlotta is by watching her performance. I think she did better job than Emmy Rossum. Maybe I have listened to the CD of original recording for too many times, I feel that many artists in moive did not sing as well as those on CD, but I don't mean they are not good.
The another moive I watched last night is "Jakob the Liar" starred by Robin Williams.
It is an interesting story. Jakob was a Jewish in Germany in World War II. He was prisoned in a small town with other Jewish. They were alive, but life in the town was very tough, and they would be sent to concentration camp and be executed. When time went by, more and more Jewish lost their hope and committed suicide.
One day, Jakob wanted to save a Jewish's life. He lied that he heard Russian army was coming to Germany on radio, so German was losing the war, they would be saved. The Jewish was very happy when he believed that he would have a future and let all Jewish in the town know Jakob's lie. Then, no one in the town committed suicide any more.
However, one day a man gave up his life to pass Jakob's lie to Jewish on a train to spread hope to other Jewish community. Jakob felt sorry for his lying. However, when he told the truth to an old Jewish in the town, the old man committed suicide at that night. Jakob was confused if he should tell the truth. When he found that his lie could gave hope to others, he kept on lying, even when finally the lie costed his life.
He learned in German army's office that the Russian was really coming. He was killed by a general because he refused to tell his Jewish folk that he was a liar. With hope, the Jewish community tolerated until the Russian came.
Is a liar good or bad? Many of us have learned it is bad since the childhood. Most of us also hate liars. We want people tell us the truth. So, if you are patient enough to read until this line, what do you thing about Jakob? or the moive?
- Jan 05 Wed 2005 13:36
Hiking in Sai Kung - 釣魚翁山 & 布袋澳
I fellowed a group of new friends to hike in Sai Kung yesterday. We walked from Mang's House (孟家屋) to Po Doi O (布袋澳). On the way, we climbed up to one of "Three Shapes of Sai Kung" (西貢三尖)
- Fisherman's Hill (釣魚翁山) which is the shape hill shown on the first photo. The bay area below the hills in the photo is a side of Po Doi O. It took 5 hours to finish the walk.
It is the second time I went up to the top of the shape peak of Fisherman's Hill.
The first time is on the first day in 2004 - I went to watch the first sunrise in 2004. We stayed overnight and cooked hotpots on the windy peak.
Finally because of air pollution, we was not able to see the break out of sunrise. That was a prefect example of "eating NW wind" for fun (貪得意走去食西北風). XDDD
*In Hong Kong, "eating NW wind(cold wind blowing in winter)" means "paying high cost foolishly for nothing".*
Since I always sit down to study from day till night, I have got a back pain. However, the back pain was gone after hiking for one hour. The photo on the left is the other side of Po Doi O.
t was just after sunset. Some restauants had turned on the lights. There are fish farms floating on the sea. At the end of the day, we had flesh seafood for dinner in the vallege.
- Jan 03 Mon 2005 10:58
Lost in Tsunami
One of my classmates in high school was disappeared when Tsunami attacked Thailand. I pray that he is still alive and will be able to come back peacefully.
Update: My former classmate name was finally removed from the "missing" list on government homepage last week. As I didn't hear about his death on news, I believe that he has come home. Thanks God.
- Dec 27 Mon 2004 10:59
Ring the Bells, Ring the Bells….
"Ring the Bells, Ring the Bells, Let the whole world Know
Christ was born in Bethelam, Many years ago..."
A Christmas hymn is ringing in the heart.
At the Christmas night, I was staying at home alone. I made phone calls to greet my friends one by one. The last call I made was for a buddy who knew in an organization of assisting cancer patients. That call was the last one at that night because it was very long.
We got to know each other 5 years ago in a course which trained voluntary cancer survivors to support cancer patients. As we rarely met other young fellows who've got the same type of cancer I had (It used to be a grandy's matter in the past, but a doctor told me that both diagnosing and re-diagnosing rates of that cancer were up-shooting in young-age group when I did my regular checking in hospital early this year.), so we acquainted quickly.
When she told me she was rediagnosed, that was nothing surprising me. She emphasized that she is OK and not to worry about her. I told her to stop that freak talk as I was also a cancer patient. I wanted to know what's wrong in her body. After she described her body condition to me, I understood clearly that this is her final battle if no miracle is happening.
Of course, that's nothing to feel sad about. The thing happening on her can happen to me. From the day we made friends we knew the chance of saying goodbye in recent years. For us, it is only the matter of who is the subject in the sentence. As the usual, later we talked about men, time for outting, family stuffs and so on.
As I mentioned that I am writing a novel, she said she would like to be the first one to buy it if it can get published when I finish it. I hope so. I am a poor writer, I have been a scientist most of my life, I write the novel just for fun. I am not sure if I will be able to write until the last chapter of the story. However, at this moment, I pray for that I will be able to put my book in her hand when I still can.
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
Happy New Year, My dear friends.
- Dec 07 Tue 2004 13:31
Christmas In Hong Kong, 2004
I went to the Central to shot some slides for Christmas presents with my buddy last Saturday. There were a lot of people in Central. I have got a flu this week, walking in crowds of people make me feel bad. There were a lot of tourists from Mainland China. When the Christmas holiday comes, streets in the urban area in Hong Kong will get even more crowded. I don't want to go to Tsim Sha Tsui or Causeway Bay this Year.
- Nov 24 Wed 2004 14:48
記念黃霑 - So Long, James Wong
One more giant in Hong Kong Hall of Fame passed away today.
- Nov 23 Tue 2004 10:00
Scanning and Printing
The following messages are replies from "besati" to respond to my technical problems related to scanning and printing.
English>Is a file created by Nikon D70 large enough to make a 12R print?
Chinese>各位對D70 放 12R 相有甚麼評價?
The resolution of the image on your monitor is 72 lpi (lines per inch) x 72 lpi. For normal printing, 300 lpi x 300 lpi will give excellent results. However, for common daily use, 200 lpi x 200 lpi is still OK if you are not critical.
For 8R prints (8" x 6"), using 1500x1200 jpg is equivalent to 187.5 lpi x 200 lpi which should be marginally acceptable. Therefore, for 12R prints (8" x 12"), using a 1600x2400 (3M pixels) source will give satisfactory results to common people.
However, if you wish to progress in serious photography, working in RAW and TIF format is a MUST.
English>When I scanned old photos with 1200dpi, the lines and edges in image was not smooth at all and look like saws. What is the max. dpi value I should use for scanning photos?
Chinese>我想問問,如果我用一張舊相去scan做檔案,我最大可以set個scanner的dpi值做幾大呢? 上次scan相,我set做1200dpi,看原圖出晒狗牙了。
English>The output picture quality for a scanner is determined by optical resolution, not the software resolution, so the resolution power of the lens in scanner is very important. That's why an Agfa 600dpi Scanner can deliver better scans than a HP or a Taiwanese scanner.
Before scanning, the size of print should be known, then is multiplied by 300lpi, finally the result is divided by the area/size of scanned object. The final result will be the dpi value to set on the scanner.
Chinese>Scanner 最重要是 optical resolution (光學解像度) 而不是 Software Resolution (軟件解像度),所以 Scanner 的鏡頭質素十分重要。如 Agfa 600dpi Scanner scan 相可以靚過 HP 或台灣牌子 1200dpi Scanner 絕不出奇。
Scan 相前要先決定打印的尺寸,再乘以300 lpi 得到scan圖的總解像度,然後除以原來相片的大小,便可得到 scanning 所需的解像度了。
舉例 scan 36mm x 24mm (1.5" x 1") 的菲林,打印 A3 (16" x 11") 紙。
總解像度 = 16x300 及 11x300 = 3300 x 4800 pixels
Scanning 解像度 = 4800/1.5 及 3300/1 = 3200 及 3300 dpi
所以在電腦 Twain Software 上選 3600 dpi。
- Nov 22 Mon 2004 11:00
Week over week, I tried to repair my computer from horrible running speed. Today, I finally got you! Worm.Win32.Agobot.138752.B.
I thought there may be a virus or multiple viruses in my computer for a while. However, anti-virus scanning did not spot any germs. Last week I tried defragmentization my drives. However, the running speed of my PC is still horribly slow. This week, I turned to chase any spyware and I learnt that I can find spyware by checking programs running as the background. In this morning, when I was checking the background running programs by searching what they are one by one on internet, finally, I spotted the worm. I also found a couple programs, which are not necessary to run as background.
Now my PC is running much more smoothly. It is a find day today.
- Nov 20 Sat 2004 11:00
2004-11-19 13:33更新 来源:南方都市报
一场闹剧在哄笑中结束了,足协主席阎掌门本欲用这场 比赛的胜利作为延寿的灵丹,此番自然是竹篮打水一场空;另一方,早就等待着将这场比赛的失败作为炸药包引线的徐明们,这下也可算是天遂人愿。然而,无论双 方围绕这场比赛的得失如何勾心斗角,在常人看来,这场比赛的得失早已经不重要,胜则不过亢奋一时,败也不过萎靡一场,而中国职业足球这个病人,早已经是沉 疴难起了。
首 先,中国职业足球若不能取得自主的地位,而是继续作为某种体育战略的附庸的话,就始终没有明确的发展方向和发展战略,就势必在摇摆反复中低水平徘徊。从一 开始,中国职业足球的市场取向就从属于争光体育这一体育战略,在职业足球出现之前和之初,为职业化鸣锣开道,最拿得出手的理由就是如此方能提高足球竞技水 平,才能实现“冲出亚洲走向世界”的宿愿;如此也才能获得上级部门的允许和支持,自那时起,就固化了竞技足球对职业足球的优先地位。进而,作为上世纪80 年代争光体育战略的后果,社会各界也都普遍将职业化作为手段,而将提高竞技水平作为目的,于是,攻击职业化者动辄贬低当下的竞技水平,大谈今不如昔,而为 职业化辩护者则用放大镜寻找竞技水平进步的迹象,职业足球的得失成败就此被竞技水平也就是竞技成绩所左右和决定。最后,中国足协作为职能部门,上有国家体 育战略之要求;而作为体育组织,外有社会各界对提高竞技水平的强烈呼吁,也就一心以竞技水平为标杆,以竞技成绩为追求,而将职业化本身作为竞技足球的附 庸,在政策上有所倾斜偏重。凡此种种,都使得中国职业足球没有一个确定的发展方向和发展战略,走一步算一步,反反复复,毫无章法。 其次,中国职业 足球若不能取得自主的地位,就无从形成关于职业足球的合理评价标准,这势必使得人们在面对职业足球的诸多问题时茫然失措,无能为力。职业足球的目的是为球 迷提供娱乐产品,为传媒提供节目资源,为商家提供广告平台,通过上述目的的达成,职业足球才能获得维持自身运转所必需的资源——货币回报。因此,评价衡量 中国职业足球的核心标准应该也只能是上座率、收视率和广告投放量,而竞技成绩,最多可以成为影响数,而不能也不应该成为前 提。当然,竞技成绩的好坏能够影响到上座率、收视率和广告投放,但是,这一影响绝对不是决定性的。中国职业足球最辉煌的年代里,国家男足的成绩一直乏善可 陈,而等到历史性地进入世界杯决赛圈之后,中国职业足球反倒江河日下,就是鲜明的例证。因此,只有牢固树立以市场和收益为核心的评价标准,告别竞技体育因 素的纠缠,中国职业足球在许多问题上才有道理可讲,才有是非可争,才有规章可循,也才能摆脱当下各说各话的尴尬。
最后,中国职业足球若 不能取得自主的地位,就不能避免10年职业化来老人老戏法的悲哀,依旧是江湖,而不可能成为行业。号称职业化的中国足球,如今依旧由一帮毫无市场经验和市 场常识的前足球运动员把持,江湖行规成为主宰中国职业足球的潜规则,市场规律的约束效力反倒沦为可有可无,这里面固然有官商足球急功近利的因素,但究其根 本,还在于中国职业足球俱乐部从来都是以成绩而不是以利益为其核心追求,从来都是由搞体育的人而不是搞市场的人说了算。试想一下,如果职业足球不再以成绩 为依归,会有那么多的假球黑哨吗?要知道,损害自己的市场基础,这是最傻的商人也不会去干的蠢事。
因此,前天的球赛也就是一场比赛而 已,中国职业足球的生死与这场球无关,甚至与所有这些竞技比赛的结果无关。中国职业足球的生死首先在于观念的更新,最需要的拨乱反正就是彻底告别竞技体育 思维,树立市场观念,这就要求职业足球脱离争光体育战略,这就要求社会各界不再把职业体育作为竞技体育的提高手段,还其娱乐的本色,更需要市场因素彻底介 入整个俱乐部体制,从内部树立其市场观念。当然,这么许多事情不可能在短期内完成,但是,作为球迷的你我,至少可以做到该我们做的事情,那就是还足球以本 来面目:它是一种游戏,应当为快乐而生,为快乐而存在!它是一种商品,应当为需求而生,为满足而存在!
- Nov 20 Sat 2004 10:07
Links of Useful Info for Nikon System
Using Flash Light (閃光燈的使用)
Eyeglass Reflections
How I Use the Nikon SB Flash System
推介Nikon定焦廣角鏡(Ais 或AF)
Nikon FAQ Version 2.3
Lens Survey And Subjective Evaluations
Compare with other Brand names
Do you know the "F16" rule for taking pictures in sunlight?
DOF Calculation
Online Depth of Field Plotter
- Nov 15 Mon 2004 13:29
1961年的香港鬧市 (HK Urban Area - 1961)
- Nov 15 Mon 2004 11:03
End of Series of my Journey in Japan
It is partially because I recently feel tired, and also because I have got new plans of creating new albums, I decide not to update my journals about travelling in Japan. I have planned to discuss my questions to Japanese society after visiting campuses of universities in Japan, and a conclusion of the journey. However, just leave them for the future. Even if I have time now, I would rather create a Chinese version for the series.
"Miracle is the Nature which we haven't got use to. The Nature is a miracle which we have got use to."
As a Chinese grown up in Hong Kong, I could never understand why foreign visitors are interested in Hong Kong. I always wonder "Why?" After discussions with other people on my blog, I started getting a clue. Editors of National Geographic Traveller picked Hong Kong as one of 10 urban spaces of a lifetime in the issue of October 1999. I was surprised Hong Kong is the only city in East Asia on the list. I think I am going to use a part of my leisure time to find out why with my cameras.
- Nov 13 Sat 2004 15:02
I discovered the above photo taken by Hubble on a blog this morning. If you are interested to know more about this nebula in english, please click the following link to hubblesite.
Hubble Peers Inside a Celestial Geode